It knows the importance the residual entrance so that you can begin to be creating that entrance that does not depend on the hours that you are trabajndo. Nowadays all we have forms accessible to develop it. Linear entrance the residual entrance is the one that all we won when we worked per hour or of employees or since I do in my study of design who I invoice per hour. When work I DID NOT STOP winning. It is a super limitation that has common a doctor, an engineer, a street cleaner, a teacher or a cook. Once they stop working no longer make more money.
After 25 years to work they do not sigen winning. If they go away one week or a month of vacations BOOM they were without income. Residual entrance Is the entrance that you continue winning with the work that hicistes A single time. Trabajstes clearly hard for this reason, is not that it was silent to you of the sky! You want Examples? A song writes that pege in the radio. By the rest of your life you listen to whenever it in the radio, a singer returns it to record and they are continued selling the CDs you will continue winning. Inclusively when you die your children, grandsons and others will continue receiving the gains. Many of these successes are by artists or cantautores who have passed many years escribindo a song, he is one in a million sticks that it of first. A song remembers that becomes hit and hits generations is not obtained overnight but it is good for continuing making money of them while you sleep or while you are of vacasiones.
Another form? Ok, writes a book and publicalo. All the life that is sold and resells you will make money. If it becomes a Best Seller or a classic one, you already know will have your family inheritance by all the books that are sold in history.