2013, car-driving taxpayers can return the method of taxation for commercial vehicles. Stuttgart, 11.01.2013. 2013, car-driving taxpayers can return the method of taxation for commercial vehicles. The pecuniary advantage for business vehicles used in private, can be above the 1% lump-sum taxation or on the basis of the so-called logbook method. In the daily deadline pressure, coupled with a flood of E-Mail, the handwritten logbook – despite intent remains to meeting Marathon and telephone conferences new year – after Ash Wednesday in the truest sense of the word on the line”.
This business much driver would give a billion amount every year, Ulric thinks right Steiner, Managing Director of Arealcontrol. He describes the situation as follows: the math is simple: the so-called logbook taxation brought a tax benefit of about 2,000 per year on average. For tax professionals: The marginal tax rate is applicable. At only one million professional drivers in “Germany this year EUR 2 billion are taxes, so 2,000 million or 200 lottery winnings a10 millions jackpot every week over the next four years!” The telematics provider Arealcontrol, to the TOP LIST of telematics 2013 “heard online a current tax calculator stops before that (there is no storage) can calculate the advantage for new, used, and leasing vehicle on the basis of anonymous data. Ulric right Steiner is convinced: the smarter motorists use an electronic GPS log book that automatically all routes, Park addresses with start / stop times in detail, not manipulated, promptly and consistently documented. However was to proceed in the selection of the telematics solution wisely, because his experience Smartphone / app solutions not always the requirements of the IRS. Apps and phone can be turned off,”white law Steiner.
Thus was the app log to manipulate and fold as a solution. He pleads for the reliable GPS box in the Vehicle. Combined with a mounting fixed price, Web portal with automatic updates of address databases, users expect so equipped a net wage increase. Ulric right Steiner in an interview with Telematik.TV telematik-markt.de/telematik/privat-genutzte-gesch%C3%A4fsfahrzeuge-2013-verschenken-autofahrer-wieder-milliarden-euro